Friday, April 4, 2008

“Sicko” Died

One of Mikes toolsAnd Hollywood breathed a sign of relief. The secret super delegates came thorough and did not repeat their previous embarrassments by giving Moore undeserved attention.

So many of his best followers are tired of Moore’s over the top slanted and incomplete portrayals of importantWhere the movie belongs issues by requiring us to pretend over and over to suspend rational beliefs and be passive trusting Moore believers who do not look behind the curtain in order to “get the good stuff” from his movies.

At least there is an untapped market for him in Cuba. For some reason it is banned there. Perhaps because the Cuban people know what a ripoff the movie is and showing it might cause some rioting in the streets. So it is better left simply as Castro/Moore collaboration for overseas Propaganda for Castro apologists who have no real concern for objective facts.